Change Logs

May 2024

  • Service 3.0
  • Removed unmatched pointers in order to increase speed and efficiency
  • Added version api request
  • Added new beverage tangible profiles
  • Added new 86 and 49 pano profiles
  • Updated colors to better match Ideum colors
  • Unity Bindings 3.0
  • Added wait check for a response from the service before sending out another TCP message
  • Wait for new tangible information before clearing buffer to reduce calls and to stop UI from flickering
  • Added request for binding version to check if compatible
  • Made some Tangible Engine function calls public for easier access
  • Check for Tangible Simulator in scene before making a new one
  • Updated Unity version to 2020 from 2018
  • Updated Unity Examples with new bindings
  • Node Bindings 3.0
  • Updated version of NodeJS (20.12.2 LTS) and Electron (30.0.1)
  • Added request for binding version to check if compatible
  • Add multi-tangible functionality to demo
  • Updated
  • Removed Qt Quick Bindings
  • Removed old demo projects
  • Trainer
  • Updated with new colors
  • Added request for binding version to check if compatible
  • Visualizer
  • Updated bindings
  • Updated with new colors
  • Added X and Y offset to UI for visual confirmation
Last Updated: 6/3/2024