
Tangible Engine enables users to take advantage of specially engineered physical objects that can be recognized by Ideum touch-enabled products. The objects, called tangibles, are made of conductive material that mimics touches on the surface of a p-cap display. On the software end, Tangible Engine is a windows service that runs in the background, awaiting the connection of client apps that require tangible recognition capabilities. A service model was chosen to enable Ideum to create and deploy fixes and new features without requiring clients to rebuild their own apps.
Included with the Tangible Engine service are a number of utilities, including bindings for Node.js and Unity, demo projects and examples for Node.js and Unity, a Visualizer that features a diagnostic mode and vibrant demos demonstrating interesting uses for Tangible Engine, and an advanced utility for training custom tangibles and creating custom profiles.


Current version of Tangible Engine: 3.0

Version v3 is backwards compatible with v2, the settings.json (AppData\Roaming\Ideum\TangibleEngine) file will just need to be removed and re-created by v3.